Friday, April 19, 2019

War Book Club minutes: April 2nd

Items discussed:

Flyboys: a true story of courage/James Bradley:

HMS Ulysses/Alistair MacLean:

One Lucky Devil: The First World War memoirs of Sampson J. Goodfellow/Sampson J. Goodfellow:

Sharks and Little Fish/Wolfgang Ott:

Sharpe’s tiger: Richard Sharpe and the siege of Seringapatam, 1799/Bernard Cornwell:

Trinity: a graphic history of the first atomic bomb/Jonathan Fetter-Vorm:

Obscure Battles and Wars:

Here are some websites which might give you all some ideas of what you could read in support of May’s topic, Obscure Battles and Wars:

Obscure Battles:


And for those of you who like to watch:

Pride yourself on your knowledge of Canadian Military History? Why not check out this list of Wars involving Canada – maybe there are conflicts on this list you’d like to learn more about:

And let’s now forget the wars that involved Canada before Canada was Canada, eh? Seven Years War, anyone?

Upcoming program of interest:
Sudeten Anti-Nazi Exiles in Saskatchewan:
Description: Join author James Trettwer to learn how a group of ardent anti-Nazis from the Czechoslovak territory of Sudetenland became exiles in 1938 and found their way to Northern Saskatchewan in the Loon Lake and St. Walburg areas. Learn why they chose Saskatchewan, how they survived on farming homesteads, and what became of the people once known as "Sudeten Canadians". 
For more information, visit:

Movies discussed:
Attack of the Crab Monsters (1957):
Both James Trettwer and I recall being freaked out by this movie when we were kids and watched it on TV: for me, the freak out was when two sailors are killed while in their tent:
“What’s that sound?”
“Sounds like a kid dragging a stick along a picket fence.”
“We ain’t got no picket fence here.”
It’s actually an interesting little B-film and available on Youtube:

Also on Youtube, Warren’s “Creepypasta” channel:

Next meeting, Tuesday, May 7th at 7 pm, Central Library – Happy Reading!

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Canadian Aviation Historical Society, Regina chapter -- upcoming meetings

April 18, 2019 – Monthly meeting of the Canadian Aviation Historical Society, Regina Chapter.
Speaker – Frank Flegel, who'll talk about his days as a cropduster and charter pilot for Regina's Canadian Aircraft Ltd. in the 1950s and '60s.

Venue: The Eagles Club, 1600 Halifax St. Presentation at 7:0 p.m., supper with our speaker at 6:00 p.m. There is no charge to attend the presentation, though there is a $5 free-will "landing fee" to cover costs.

May 8, 2019 – guest speaker – Dan Dempsey. (Note change of date.) Dan literally wrote the book on Canadian military air demonstration teams. This former Snowbird is the author of the book a Tradition of Excellence -- Canada's Airshow Team Heritage. Dan said he's willing to bring and sign copies of his book's second edition for $90 each, a considerable saving from the original price of $125, but he'd like firm orders before he comes. If you will buy a copy, send a note to Venue: as above

Venue: The Eagles Club, 1600 Halifax St. Presentation at 7:0 p.m., supper with our speaker at 6:00 p.m. There is no charge to attend the presentation, though there is a $5 free-will "landing fee" to cover costs.

May 25-26 -- Aviation Day open house at the Saskatchewan Aviation Museum and Learning Centre at the Saskatoon Airport.

June 20, 2019 – Chapter AGM – guest speaker likely Will Chabun on Roland Groome and his May 20, 1919 flight from Saskatoon to Regina, the first cross-country flight in the province’s history

Venue: The Eagles Club, 1600 Halifax St. Presentation at 7:0 p.m., supper with our speaker at 6:00 p.m. There is no charge to attend the presentation, though there is a $5 free-will "landing fee" to cover costs.

Feel free to land!