Wednesday, December 4, 2019

War Book Club Minutes: 5th of November version*


Items discussed: * indicates available thru Regina Public Library:

*And No Birds Sang/Farley Mowat:

*Death in the Baltic: the World War II sinking of the Wilhelm Gustloff/Cathryn J Prince:

*Fatal Decisions: six decisive battles of WWII from the viewpoint of the vanquished:

The French-Indian War 1754-1760/Daniel Marston:

*Overlord: D-Day and the battle for Normandy/Max Hastings:

*Reluctant Warriors: Canadian conscripts in the Great War/Patrick Dennis:

*Salt to the Sea: a novel/Ruta Sepetys:

*The Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway: the Library Edition:

*The Zookeeper’s Wife/Diane Ackerman:

Other items of interest (based on post meeting discussion):

*Other Losses: an investigation into the mass deaths of German prisoners at the hands of the French and Americans after World War II/James Bacque:

Crimes and Mercies: the fate of German civilians under Allied occupation 1944-1950/James Bacque:

*Remember, remember,
The Fifth of November,
Gunpowder Treason
And Plot

I see
No reason
Why Gunpowder Treason
Should ever be forgot
