Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Regina course explores the rise of Mussolini

Mussolini quote: source hippoquotes.com

THE MAKING OF MUSSOLINI, 1883-1929 is a new course offered by Regina's Lifelong Learning Centre. The class description states:

World War I totally transformed Mussolini; then, with his founding of the Fascist Party in March 1919, he came to totally transform Italy. This class will examine his rise and early rule, all within the context of a Europe recovering from a ruinous war.

The class takes place Tuesdays from 1:30 to 3:20 pm starting May 1st and will be taught by Dr. Clay Burlingham.

For more information on THE MAKING OF MUSSOLINI contact the Lifelong Learning Centre:


As well, another course, SASKATCHEWAN: A PEOPLES' HISTORY, with Keith Foster, will explore the North-West Rebellion/Resistance; course runs Wednesdays, May 2nd to June 20th, 1:30-3:20 pm

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