Sunday, September 2, 2018

RUSI Speaker's Series Event - Sept. 13 at TGIT


HMCS Regina (FFH 334). Source Wikipedia
Commander Jacob French, Commanding Officer of HMCS Regina will be in Regina on Sept. 13th and will be at the Regina Senior Ranks’ Mess to give a talk about HMCS Regina’s upcoming deployment in January 2019.

   This Speaker’s Series event is scheduled for 1700 hrs (5:00 p.m.) on Sept. 13, so please make every effort to get to the Mess early.

   This event will appeal to anyone interested in Canada’s Navy and its overseas operations. This is great opportunity to bring a friend to a TGIT (Thank Goodness It's Thursday).

 The Regina Senior Ranks' Mess is located in the Regina Armoury at 1600 Elphinstone Street.

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