Monday, August 26, 2019

War Book Club Minutes, June 4th


(*) indicates available thru Regina Public Library

*Appel: a Canadian in the French Foreign Legion/Joel Adam Struthers

*Blood, Oil and the Axis: the allied resistance against a fascist state in Iraq and the Levant, 1941/John Broich:

*The Canadian Battlefields in Normandy: a visitor’s guide/Terry Copp:

*The Cruel Sea/Nicholas Monsarrat:

*D-Day: the greatest invasion: a people’s history/Dan Van der Vat:

The Destruction of Convoy P.Q. 17/David Irving:

*Every Man a Hero: a memoir of D-Day, the first wave at Omaha Beach, and a world at war/Ray Lambert:

*The First Wave: the D-Day warriors who led the way to victory in World War II/Alex Kershaw:

*Six Armies in Normandy: from D-Day to the liberation of Paris/John Keegan:

*Spearhead: an American tank gunner, his enemy and a collision of lives in World War II/Adam Makos:

*The Thunderbird, the Quesnel, & the Sea/Bev Lundahl:

Next Meeting: Tuesday, September 3rd – that’s right, September – summers over, dagnabit!

Topic: the best war/military history books you read this summer – and you must have read one or two. I’d be the first to tell you I had no time to read and I read plenty.

Meeting time is 7:00 pm – hope to see you all then.

Cheers, Warren James

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