Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Barney Vs. Hitler

Local Aviation Historian Will Chabun shared the following anecdote involving his daughter Rebecca:

"Rebecca had bought a CD from the HMV store that used to be in the Southland Mall. She brought it home, removed the plastic wrapping and discovered — horrors! — a CD by another pop star had been incorrectly inserted into the advertising jacket and plastic case.
No problem. Rebecca and I got in the car and drove over to the mall. It was quiet and the young guy at the till listened as I explained our problem and asked for a swap out. He was very courteous and full of apologies, which led me to ask if that sort of thing happened often.

Turned out it did, he said. It seems that when the big record companies are putting together CDs their assembly  line would have a certain number of pre-recorded CDs and a certain number of plastic containers with liner notes. Usually, things worked out, but every now and then the assembly line would be short one or even more items. But the assembly line couldn’t stop to sort these out, so they were fixed as customers brought them back.

The young guy behind the counter said the strangest such error  he ever handled revolved around a young mother who had bought her son a CD of the songs from Barney the Dinosaur.

Imagine her surprise when she opened up the CD — and it turned out to be “The Collected Speeches of Adolf Hitler.”


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