Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Canadian Forces vs. Covid 19


As you may know, the Canadian Armed Forces is not permitted to have parades in this environment of COVID related bans. This impacted what my troops would be doing on 11 Nov.

I therefore came up with a plan (blessed by higher) to send small detachments (x5 soldiers) from the Regiment which I serve to take post as Vigils at the cenotaphs some of the small towns in NB ( New Brunswick) that were not having their usual 11 Nov ceremonies. The rest were permitted to mark the date with some act of remembrance on their honour.

For the Vigils, four soldiers took post, under a Det Comd, at 1055 and dismissed at 1105. No involvement with anyone else; just in and out, observing physical distance and mask rules. CO and I also just happened to meet up on the street corner in front of a cenotaph in a town an hour or so away. We also just happened to be in Dress Uniform, and I just happened to have a wreath in my, we figured we should not waste the opportunity! :wink:

What I observed yesterday was a couple of hundred determined Canadians who assembled loosely on their own, observing distance dictates, at a town's war memorial and paid their respects. Up yours, COVID.

We will remember them.


Submitted by Dwight Mercer

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