Monday, February 3, 2020

Saskatchewan Aviation History Presentation, February 20th

The next meeting of the Regina Chapter of the Canadian Aviation Historical Society (CAHS) will be on the evening of Thursday, February 20, when Joel From will present the fruits of his many years of research into the wartime 33 Elementary Flying Training School (EFTS) at Caronport, just west of Moose Jaw.
It's a fascinating tale including superfast construction, a cadre of British airmen who played cricket and stabled horses (but failed at hockey), a superstar EFTS civilian manager and infrastructure so sturdy parts still are in use. And, oh, yes, a bar called "Smokey Joe's".
Presentation at 7:30 p.m., supper with our speaker at 6 p.m. The Eagles Club is at 1600 Halifax St., just south of the Casino Regina parking structure. For more information, email us at Every aviation and milhist buff is welcome!
In Plain Site -- 33 EFTS Caron History book cover

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