Sunday, February 23, 2020

War Book Club Minutes: February 4th, 2020

Items discussed (* indicates available thru RPL)

*A Mohawk Memoir from the War of 1812/John Norton:

*The Annotated Memoirs of Ulysses S. Grant/Ulysses Simpson Grant:

*Cold War in the Islamic World: Saudi Arabia, Iran and the struggle for supremacy/Dilip Hiro:

*Currahee!/Donald Robert Burgett:

*The Hidden Nazi: the untold story of America’s deal with the devil/Dean Reuter:

*Hitler’s Eagles: the Luftwaffe, 1933-45/Chris McNab:

*The Imperial Japanese Army: the invincible years, 1941-42/Bill Yenne:

*Mackenzie King in the age of the dictators: Canada’s Imperial and foreign policies/Roy MacLaren:

*Monte Cassino: ten armies in hell/Peter Caddick-Adams:

*Mussolini’s Italy: life under the dictatorship, 1915-1945/R.J.B. Bosworth:

*The Regiment/Farley Mowat:

*The River Battles: Canada’s final campaign in World War II Italy/Mark Zuehike:

This Month’s Military Youtube selection is a bit different.
As a Youtube “Horror” creator, one of my mentors has been Mort, who runs the “Mortis Media” channel out of London, UK. His channel is different than mine, in that he tells supposedly true occult/horror stories posted on Reddit; recently, he did an episode dedicated to Military horror stories:

Mainly U.S.; some of the yarns are quite interesting…check them out, if you dare.

Next meeting, Tuesday, March 3rd at 7 pm, same room – I think.
See you then, Warren

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